Wednesday, 26 March 2008

The Diamond dave update.

Small update in the way of a typcial "diamond" dave edwards senario... he buidls a grindbox doesnt want to carry it so staps it to his car where i have to stick my hands out of the car to prevent it from falling off. oh and dave has two cracked ribs.. (and he doesnt know how?) get well soon mate! heres a old picture of dave having a bs 180 polejam... steez mate.

oh and a "dimaonds" edit comming very soon (long over due) and for those who dont know what that is ...just you wait and see.

Monday, 24 March 2008

"Wu-Tang killer bee's on a swarm..."

"Mission 3: The Mix" is finlally up and in all of these wonderfull places below.
click on anything but youtube.. where the quailty is offically "whack" (oh and right click and save target as save noobs)




You'check my whack quality'tube

And oh yeah about the tune i mixed it myself added some movie quotes in etc. just thought as im messing about with mixing why not edit to it?

Quote of the post from kerri
"im kerri, yes i have a girls name"
kerris pictured on the left next to casper reppin the dollin style shades.

Oh yeah and if you have the time sign the
Save Southbank petition. Would give you mad props if you did.
And i would give you even more props for making a get antwuan dixon out of Jail petion